The Friends of Deeping Library

Become a member today!

Where are we?

Wade House,
86 High Street,
01778 346528

The Deepings Community Library is managed by The Friends of Deeping Library.

Our group was formed in 2016 to ensure the continued success of the library, would you like to join us?  We currently have over 200 members, and we’re always looking for additional support.  For further information on the library, look around this site or take a look at our  Facebook page.  Members can join at any time of year and membership is renewable annually.

Benefits of membership:

  • Belong to a local community group with a shared Vision
  • Receive a monthly email newsletter to keep up to date
  • Early notification and priority booking for library events/activities
  • Be involved in running the library and shaping its future
  • Be eligible to become a Volunteer -regular or occasional
  • Be eligible for Special Offers from time to time, as available
  • Vote at the AGM and attend any related social activities
  • Make a voluntary donation towards the library running costs
    (To make a donation, find us on

If you wish to join the Friends of Deeping Library, please complete the registration form below and our Membership Officer will be in touch . Our group’s Constitution is available to read on request.

I would like to become a member of The Friends of Deeping Library (FoDL)